Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bridge to Terabithia

When you were little, did you ever image a magic world? Did you forget to image a magic world since you grew up? This movie states a boy Jess who was not like to communicate to other. In his home, he has a lot of sibling, parents need to work. They do not have much time to care about him. He doesn't have friend. He usually painted alone in his room except for doing house work or study at school. One day, a new student Leslie came to his school, she was an optimistic and creative girl. They became best friend, and created a magic world in the forest. The entry is a thick rope that only they know. Leslie changes Jess's world. When everything just to begin, suddenly Jess heard a news that Leslie was died...
I very recommend this movie. It is not just magic kind of movie. It let me learn a lot and think a lot. It is fortunately to meet someone who know yourself.(Picture belong:

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